Educational and scientific laboratory for the study of policy problems in the field of fighting crime

HeadFris Pavlo Lvovych, doctor of legal sciences, professor.
The educational and scientific laboratory for the study of policy problems in the field of crime fighting was created by the order of the rector of the Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk on October 14, 2013.
The creation of the laboratory was due to the fact that for a long time the development of policy problems in the field of combating crime within the scientific school of the Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor P. L. Fries was carried out at the Department of Criminal Law of the Educational and Scientific Legal Institute.

The main task of the laboratory is to conduct fundamental and applied research on topical issues of improving the mechanism of legal regulation of policy in the field of fighting crime, adaptation and unification of the country’s internal legislation in accordance with the principles and norms of the European Community and international law.


Agreement on the creation of a laboratory

Regulations on the Laboratory