The teachers and students of the university started studying at the Summer School in Slovenia

Training has begun at the first Summer School “Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation” at the University of Nova Gorytsia. Thirty students of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University from the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training, the Faculty of Physics and Technology and the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, as well as teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, the Department of Management and Business Administration, arrived in Slovenia.

The summer school is organized as part of the REGINNA 4.0 consortium, which brings together partners from the fields of science, business and government bodies to train young talents in the fields of nanotechnology and Industry 4.0. The purpose of the event is to promote innovative development, business and the transfer of ideas from laboratories to the market.

From July 3 to 14, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on such topics as nanotechnology, new materials, the intersection with quantum technology, applications of deep learning and nanotechnology, introduction to Industry 4.0, AI in quality control and product development, economic manufacturing and cyber security, data analytics and AI in tourism 4.0, fundamentals of entrepreneurship, innovation and product development, Lean startup methodology, intellectual property and commercialization.

The first day of the Summer School began with interesting lectures. Andrea Fornasier spoke on the topic “Digital Transformation Journey”, revealing the meaning of digital transformation. Andrea Brunello also held a lecture “Data Modeling: From Relational Databases to Big Data”, in which he discussed database management systems in detail.

Participants of the Summer School will have many more interesting lectures and trainings during the entire period of study. After successfully passing the exam, students will receive a European-style certificate equivalent to 3 ECTS credits. The summer school provides a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience, contributing to the creation of international partnerships in the field of science, technology and innovation.