Перейти до вмісту

- Ecumenical dialogues as a component of constructing individual and group identity
- Tools of distortion of reality in modern media
- Applied aspects of the concept of post-truth
- “Politics of forgetting” in post-totalitarian communities
- Historical development of Ukrainian and world philosophy: history and prospects

- Socio-psychological factors of maintaining psychological security of the individual
- Resilience as a factor of maintaining psychological security of the individual
- Preserving mental health of the individual in war conditions
- Assistance to families of the deceased in experiencing loss and grief
- First psychological aid to the individual in crisis situations

- An existential-analytic approach to the psychological trauma of war.
- Innovative psychotechnologies for preserving and restoring the mental health of the individual

- Actualization of the mental potential of Ukrainians as a way of overcoming the traumatic consequences of war

- Strategies for preserving and restoring the mental health of Ukrainians during the war and post-war period
- Brain neuroplasticity as a factor in effective rehabilitation of people who have survived war trauma
- Analysis of the impact of mindfulness and meditation practices on neuroplasticity in people with mental health problems as a result of the war
- Art therapy programs for stimulating neuroplasticity in people with depressive states after the war
- Assessment and supervision of comprehensive rehabilitation programs: development of principles and technological approaches
Contact Person:
Oksana Chuyko
Associate Dean for Scientific Work, Faculty of Psychology
Email: oksana.chuyko@pnu.edu.ua