Seminar “The human-organ-on-a-chip: how far we are from personalized medicine”

We would like to invite you all to a seminar “The human-organ-on-a-chip: how far we are from personalized medicine” which will take place on 06.06.2024 at 2 PM via the MsTeams platform.

The seminar will be led by Prof. Artur Rydosz and chaired by Prof. Tadeusz Uhl.

One of the objectives of this seminar is to increase awareness and education of organ-on-a-chip approaches because, without knowledge of these methods, scientists cannot adopt them, funding agencies cannot create programs to fund them, ethical review committees cannot ask why they are not employed in a given protocol, and so forth. Perhaps the biggest challenge we now face is related to adherence to measurements made using ‘traditional methods’ and a reluctance to change this and be open to the adoption of new technology. Organ-on-a-chip will lead to cooperation between engineers from various disciplines such as electronics, bioengineering, material science, pharmacy, and medicine.

Link to MsTeams: (no prior registration is needed)