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Science at the university
International ratings
Scientific and pedagogical workers with an H index of more than 10
The number of scientific and pedagogical workers
Scientific directions
Guide for researchers
Scientific journals
Scientific projects
MES projects
New photocatalytic systems based on heteronanostructured titanium dioxide
Engineering of metal oxide catalysts with activity regulation function for hydroxy radical water disinfection
The application of methods of analysis and topology to problems of classification, distribution, continuation of reflections between different spaces
Creative universalism of artists of the Ukrainian diaspora of the 20th – early 21st centuries: identification, communication, synergistic dimensions
Elements of hybrid sensor microsystems for biomedical applications
Study of algebras generated by symmetric polynomial and rational mappings in Banach spaces
The search for markers of post-traumatic stress disorder based on indicators of oxidative stress and inflammation
Correction of metabolic syndrome with sulforaphane-enriched preparations from broccoli sprouts
Development of a mechanism for strategic public management of economic and energy security of Ukraine
Technology and computer simulation of optimized second-generation photovoltaic systems based on compounds II-VI
High-efficiency hybrid thin-film solar cells for energy security and sustainable development
NRFU projects
Symmetries in algebraic and topological structures on infinite-dimensional analytic manifolds and their possible applications
Intermediates of the phenylpropanoid pathway as substances for extending the duration and quality of life
Asymmetric supercapacitors with an aqueous electrolyte based on iron and nickel oxide nanocomposites / reduced graphene oxide and microporous carbon
International projects
Expanding EDUC Opportunities for Inclusive ERA Development
From teachers to innovators – from students to entrepreneurs
Durable and Efficient Nanotechnology-based Fuel Cells – NATO G6166
UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine
Soil preparation for reconstruction – soil decontamination in Ukraine, eco-entrepreneurship and environmental journalism
Gateway to Central Gorgany: intercultural dialogue on the Polish-Ukrainian border
Conducting research with subsequent publication of the monograph
Promoting the sustainability of a university think tank in times of war
Global innovation program of clean technologies GCIP for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine
Analytical study with the authorities on the investment attractiveness of territorial communities of Prykarpatti
Business and other stakeholders
University developments
Scientific directions
Scientific services
Сommercial agreement
Scientific centers
Our partners
Портал університету
Портал університету
Scientific and research department
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
+38(0342) 59-60-83
вул. Шевченка, 57
м. Івано-Франківськ
Science at the university
International ratings
Scientific and pedagogical workers with an H index of more than 10
The number of scientific and pedagogical workers
Scientific directions
Guide for researchers
Scientific journals
Scientific projects
MES projects
New photocatalytic systems based on heteronanostructured titanium dioxide
Engineering of metal oxide catalysts with activity regulation function for hydroxy radical water disinfection
The application of methods of analysis and topology to problems of classification, distribution, continuation of reflections between different spaces
Creative universalism of artists of the Ukrainian diaspora of the 20th – early 21st centuries: identification, communication, synergistic dimensions
Elements of hybrid sensor microsystems for biomedical applications
Study of algebras generated by symmetric polynomial and rational mappings in Banach spaces
The search for markers of post-traumatic stress disorder based on indicators of oxidative stress and inflammation
Correction of metabolic syndrome with sulforaphane-enriched preparations from broccoli sprouts
Development of a mechanism for strategic public management of economic and energy security of Ukraine
Technology and computer simulation of optimized second-generation photovoltaic systems based on compounds II-VI
High-efficiency hybrid thin-film solar cells for energy security and sustainable development
NRFU projects
Symmetries in algebraic and topological structures on infinite-dimensional analytic manifolds and their possible applications
Intermediates of the phenylpropanoid pathway as substances for extending the duration and quality of life
Asymmetric supercapacitors with an aqueous electrolyte based on iron and nickel oxide nanocomposites / reduced graphene oxide and microporous carbon
International projects
Expanding EDUC Opportunities for Inclusive ERA Development
From teachers to innovators – from students to entrepreneurs
Durable and Efficient Nanotechnology-based Fuel Cells – NATO G6166
UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine
Soil preparation for reconstruction – soil decontamination in Ukraine, eco-entrepreneurship and environmental journalism
Gateway to Central Gorgany: intercultural dialogue on the Polish-Ukrainian border
Conducting research with subsequent publication of the monograph
Promoting the sustainability of a university think tank in times of war
Global innovation program of clean technologies GCIP for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine
Analytical study with the authorities on the investment attractiveness of territorial communities of Prykarpatti
Business and other stakeholders
University developments
Scientific directions
Scientific services
Сommercial agreement
Scientific centers
Our partners
Scientific services
Scientific services